Change Your Signal to Become a Millionaire! DO IT TODAY.

Join the Millionaire's Club

Do you want to be one of the coveted 1 Percent?

Check out this Article on the "Millionaire Mindset" by Leo Foster.

(Read more: Millionaire Mind - Secrets of the Millionaire Mind)

Copyright (c) 2007 by Leo Foster. All rights reserved. Reproduction permitted as long as there are no additions or modifications to this article and author's name, Copyright Notice and URL are kept intact.

Do you intend to become an irresistible MONEY MAGNET? Then, get busy activating the universal LAW OF ATTRACTION Here are some steps you can take right away.

1. Eliminate from your mind any beliefs in lack of money

2. Eliminate from your mind the belief that "it is hard to make money"

3. Eliminate from your mind the belief that it is only possible to make money through a hard, painful, limiting job

4. Eliminate from your mind any belief in debt. This insidious belief will keep you in debt

5. Eliminate from your mind any belief in LOSS. This destructive belief will make you lose what little you may have

6. Eliminate from your mind limiting thoughts such as "It is too expensive", "I cannot afford it", "There is never enough", "I never have enough"

7. Open your mind to receive money from any source and any direction, even in the most unexpected ways

8. Start to appreciate, love and even bless whatever amount of money you now have. Say to yourself "Money is good. Money is wonderful. I love money and money loves me". This will signal your mind and the universe to send you even more money

9. Eliminate from your mind any resentment, condemnation or criticism of rich people. These thoughts will keep money away from you

10. Appreciate all the wealth and riches surrounding you. Appreciate the riches and wealth of others. Use the HUNA technique and whenever you see something you desire for yourself bless it and also bless its owner.

11. Always be thankful and grateful for whatever money you have. These attitudes will attract more money into your life and multiply it

12. Appreciate and even bless every dollar bill (of any denomination) or any coins you come in contact with

13. Love yourself and always put yourself first.

14. Remember to always pay yourself first. Pay your creditors AFTER you have paid yourself. This behavior will send a clear signal to your Subconscious mind and the entire universe that you always come first and that you deserve wealth

15. Believe you were born to win, you were born to be rich and that you deserve to be wealthy simply because you were born on this planet. That's reason enough for you to have wealth

16. Take some time during the day and imagine how you will use the wealth you have. In your imagination, buy that house, that car, those things you desire. Let go of the thought that "I cannot afford it"

17. Instead of worrying about any money problems, do your best to WORRY about all the money coming your way and how in the world you are going to spend it to make you and others happy. Really WORRY about it

18. Do your best to start ACTING AS IF you are already rich, a millionaire. Constantly ask yourself "How/what would a millionaire think or speak in this situation?" Then, think and speak from that millionaire mindset.

19. Constantly keep telling yourself over and over that "It is real easy for me to make money, as much money as I desire"

20. Keep telling yourself over and over every single day that "I am a money magnet. I attract money like a magnet. I attract money quickly, easily, effortlessly and having fun. Money is now coming to me from every source and every direction in avalanches of abundance."

21. The Subconscious responds very well to very exact amounts of money. Therefore, set a definite amount of money you want to attract into your life. Keep telling yourself over and over that you are attracting that amount quickly, easily, effortlessly and having FUN!

Best Life Subliminal™ has already done all of the guess work for you!

Some of the affirmations included in this message are:

I am always optimistic about making millions of dollars.
I am attracting millions of dollars at all times.
Millions come to me from all directions.
Money is always in my bank accounts.
My bills are always paid.
I have an abundance of money at all times.
I receive money from everywhere.

These Affirmations work after

just one night of use!

This subliminal message will:

-Helps you to think like a Millionaire according to the rules of abundance. (mentioned above)

-Help you eliminate Bad Limiting Beliefs about money.

-Help you confront your insecurities and replace them with self-assurance.

-Flood your mind with positive affirmations to see money in abundance and bring it to you.

We have created a Wonderful Subliminal Message called "Join the Millionaire's Club" that helps you achieve this outlook!!!