*Directions-For-Use* ~What to Expect

*Directions-For-Use* ~What to Expect

These products may cause drowsiness.

All Best Life Subliminal messaging Products are .wav files compressed into zip files.

Visit here if you need to acquire zipping software:

Winzip for PCS

Winzip via App Store for Apple Devices

Winzip via Google Play Store for Android Devices etc

Unzip the .wav file to use.


-Set the message to play on the lowest volume setting above mute.

(For Example: If the Volume setting on your sound device for Mute is 0 and the Highest setting is 100, Listen to this recording on level 35 at the most.) You may hear a slight "buzzing" sound. You should only be able to barely hear this sound. This is normal and the perfect volume for using the message. If the volume is too loud you may find it difficult to sleep.

-If you can audibly hear words in the subliminal message, then it is too loud and you should lower the volume.

-Play on Loop/repeat and listen while you sleep for one night (6-8 hours).

-After listening for one full night, it is highly recommended that you do not use again for a full 6 months.

-The message takes hold, remains permanent and automatically becomes stronger over time.

What can I expect?

The next day after listening, you may feel slightly groggy as the message begins to take effect. This is normal.

On the second day after listening, the message will continually build in strength on its own until it is permanent, leaving you with a positive, upbeat feeling.

Do I need to use Headphones?

Headphones are not required. You can listen to these messages with or without headphones. Whatever you choose is fine. The result is the same.

Can I listen to multiple recordings at once?

Yes you can. You can load them and listen to them sequentially over a single night. Just remember to follow the rules about the volume setting.